Nach Madrid, Prag und Lille geht AVIORAMA (MFO&REPEATBEAT) dieses Wochenende wieder auf REISE! In betonesken Bochum werden wir die "legendäre" Abschlussparty mit unserer A/V-Performance eröffnen. Dafür werden wir diesmal übrigens ganz umweltfreundlich unterwegs sein, denn wir steigen zur Anreise in keinen Billig-Flieger, sondern in die werte, ehemals staatliche Eisenbahn, die Dank cleverer Sparticket-Buchung gar nicht so teuer ist, wie der nicht allzu gute Ruf vermuten lässt. Nun aber Schluss mit Verkehrspolitik. (:O
>>> Description of the live video show AVIORAMA
"Aviorama" is a live video show made for three screens. It features very special material filmed at the local airport and flight control tower, being reworked to an immersive and dense impression - woven to visual poetry, to visual music.
"Aviorama" is the brain child of MFO, who's fragmentary view got attracted by the visual symphony of flickering lights, hurry movements and complex plans at airports.
The musical layer of "Aviorama" is presented by Repeatbeat, a multi-style DJ, whose capability to adopt to different situations made him the ideal partner for this project.
“ Escalators pitch together, glass facades melt into geometric figures. People in a hurry. Running through technical spaces, through hallways and walkways. Perspectives changing to the music. Images get to forms – faster and faster reality raises to virtuality. Behind a gigantic glass front an airplane approaches. Majestically slow it decelerates the flood of images. People pause, get spectators. Oneself gets a spectator. Standing in a club, in a space full of projections, the pulse of music inside one’s head. Fascinated by the play of flickering lights, flight objects, control towers, complex plans which get more and more graphical elements … ” [by Plus.Eins]
>>17. Int. Videofestival Bochum///
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